If Faith and Hope were still alive I know they would want you to watch this video.
Every child deserves to live.
FHL <3
I got a surprise email from one of my blog followers . I sent her Faith and Hope bracelets awhile back. She was attending this years March for Life. She was almost ready to leave her home but she quickly grabbed the bracelets and wore them proudly during the march. I just want to say THANK YOU for thinking about my sweet angels and for attending that cold/rainy parade. It means so much to me. I know if Faith and Hope were still alive they would have wanted to save babies lives.
I got a surprise email from one of my blog followers . I sent her Faith and Hope bracelets awhile back. She was attending this years March for Life. She was almost ready to leave her home but she quickly grabbed the bracelets and wore them proudly during the march. I just want to say THANK YOU for thinking about my sweet angels and for attending that cold/rainy parade. It means so much to me. I know if Faith and Hope were still alive they would have wanted to save babies lives.
Their story proves that all life has value and the right to be born and loved.